How to promote shoe store on Instagram

  Oct 15, 2023      2 minutes   Page Views:
How to promote shoe store on Instagram

First, let me provide you with an Instagram overview, as it will be beneficial before I delve into instructing you and offering Instagram marketing guidance. Instagram has evolved into the leading platform for image sharing since its inception. The application boasts an impressive user base of over 2 billion worldwide, with 500 million individuals engaging in Stories on a daily basis.

On average, users spend approximately 30 minutes on the app. The website also hosts numerous influencers with substantial followings, and with the right strategy, you too can establish a formidable brand presence. To maintain the interest of your current followers while attracting new ones, it's crucial to consistently post the right kind of content. However, determining the What type of post does best on Instagram for audience expansion can be a challenge. Consequently, I will demonstrate how to effectively sell on Instagram.

Instagram for shoe store marketing

Instagram, released in 2010, remains at the forefront as one of the most downloaded apps to this day. Given its immense popularity, it's imperative to have a well-structured strategy. Here are some potent Instagram marketing strategies you can utilize to maximize your benefits on this widely embraced platform.

1. Create Instagram Business Account

Create Instagram Business Account

Ensure that you've established an Instagram Business Account before embarking on your Instagram marketing strategy.

The process of transitioning your current profile to a business account is straightforward. To initiate this, navigate to your preferences and select "Switch to Business Profile." The benefits of possessing a business profile are readily apparent.

For instance, similar to your website, your followers can directly contact you through your Instagram page by clicking the contact icon, improving your brand's credibility. With a business profile, you have the capability to create and publish Instagram ads without relying on Meta's advertising tools. Furthermore, you gain access to Instagram's Insights analytics tools, providing you with valuable insights into post impressions and reach. This, in turn, empowers you to craft shopping posts, enabling the direct sale of your shoes via your Instagram page.

Once you've unlocked the complimentary advantages of a business profile, it's essential to start utilizing them to analyze metrics and gain a deeper understanding of your audience.

2. Use free tools for Instagram marketing

Before you delve into your Instagram marketing strategy, make sure to have an Instagram Business Account in place.

Converting your current profile into a business account is a straightforward process. To get started, go to your preferences and select "Switch to Business Profile." The advantages of having a business profile are evident.

For instance, much like your website, your followers can contact you directly through your Instagram page by clicking the contact icon, which enhances your brand's credibility. With a business profile, you can create and publish Instagram ads without relying on Meta's advertising tools. Additionally, you'll gain access to Instagram's Insights analytics tools, which offer valuable insights into post impressions and reach. This, in turn, empowers you to create shopping posts, allowing you to directly sell your shoes through your Instagram page.

3. Post product teaser that tempts audience to buy

Post product teaser

What if simply sharing product teasers on Instagram could boost your product sales? Well, it can.

Instagram serves as an excellent platform for promoting products, and when done thoughtfully, it won't alienate or drive away users with excessive advertisements.

Overly aggressive marketing can lead to users unfollowing you in droves. However, employing product teaser posts offers a subtle way to introduce your products and generate excitement without appearing pushy.

Consider two Instagram posts from shoe stores that don't overtly push product sales but instead grant followers access to the brand's entire inventory through a like-to-buy social eCommerce feature.

These posts showcase select products and offer a substantial 70% discount. Furthermore, both posts garnered hundreds of likes, which is significant in the realm of advertising.

The effectiveness of these advertisements lies in their non-intrusive nature. They take a more unhurried approach, enticing customers to download the app and compare prices with the combination of the discount and appealing product images.

This strategy isn't limited to any particular industry; nearly every sector can benefit from it. People are more likely to make a purchase when you tantalize them with items of interest without exerting pressure.

Even if they don't make a purchase, they're likely to engage with your post by liking, commenting, or sharing it with friends.

So, don't hesitate to showcase your products through images, just do so thoughtfully. Additionally, consider incorporating some sponsored advertisements for added visibility.

4. Run Ads to promote shoes

Run Ads to promote shoes

Instagram advertising has become increasingly prevalent on the platform. What's even better is that by setting an advertising budget, you can precisely control your expenditure.

The carousel feature allows you to showcase a single sponsored ad or multiple advertisements, opening up new avenues for brands to connect with their audience. In the past, only your account's followers could view your updates and images, but now sponsored posts have broadened that reach.

Brands can now share their images with individuals who fit their target demographic, extending their reach beyond their existing followers. When creating sponsored ads, it's crucial to craft compelling content that resonates with your intended audience.

Keep an eye on your top-performing content, as you can transform them into sponsored advertisements. These successful posts can then be distributed to potential customers as paid promotions. Running multiple posts concurrently, targeting diverse audiences, can boost engagement.

Remember that you have various sponsored ad formats at your disposal, including photos, videos, reels, carousel/dynamic ads, and stories canvas. Engaging with your followers is another effective approach, whether it's through Instagram Stories or Reels, whether they are paid or organic.

5. how to promote products on instagram story

how to promote products on instagram story

If you're aiming to generate leads, Instagram Stories can be a valuable tool in your arsenal. Instagram Stories distinguish themselves by adopting a "slideshow" format, setting them apart from regular Instagram posts.

Stories can be saved on any of your devices and reused later, although they remain active for only 24 hours. This feature bears a striking resemblance to Snapchat Stories, positioning Instagram as a direct competitor in this space.

Instagram Stories appear in a discrete section above the regular news feed, and when a user clicks on your profile photo at the top, your Story is accessible. They are prominently displayed at the top of your followers' timelines, where users frequently look.

Businesses can use Stories to share in-depth, behind-the-scenes content that may not be as polished as regular posts. Unlike regular posts, Stories allow for more flexibility in maintaining your brand's aesthetic.

Furthermore, Instagram offers a range of content formats within the Stories feature, including images, short videos, rewind clips, live videos, Reels, and boomerangs. You can create captivating visuals and videos for your Stories using tools like Canva and InVideo.

Instagram Reels are short, up to 60-second videos that don't disappear after a day, unlike Stories. They come with integrated editing tools similar to TikTok.

Boomerangs are animated, looped images that add a fun dimension to your content.

In Stories, you can easily tag other accounts, making it convenient for collaborations with brands or influencers. You can also modify photos and create eye-catching visuals with face filters, text, and stickers.

The order in which you add each image and video in your Story is the order in which they'll be played.

You can upload an unlimited number of posts to Stories simultaneously, and this tool is accessible to businesses worldwide. Stories are exclusively available through the mobile Instagram app, which aligns with the majority of Instagram users' preferences.

If you haven't yet collaborated with successful Instagram influencers, consider identifying a few and reaching out via email.

6. Collaborate with influencers

The most expedient method of reaching potential clients on Instagram involves engaging influencers who have already cultivated a substantial audience and a significant following.

A growing proportion of consumers base their purchase decisions on the content they encounter in the posts of the influential individuals they follow, placing their trust in them.

Given that Instagram remains the predominant platform for executing influencer campaigns, integrating influencer marketing into your strategy stands a strong chance of yielding favorable results.

Contrary to initial expectations that influencer marketingwould merely be a passing trend, it has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity. According to Big Commerce, businesses are allocating a larger share of their annual marketing budget to influencer marketing initiatives.

Collaborate with influencers

You can gain exposure for your business by partnering with the right influencers within your industry.

Initiating the process by identifying a few influencers with an audience keenly interested in your product or service represents the initial step.

For example, neemansofficial shoe brand , they collab with @sunsunnykhez to promote their shoe brand , Over one million audience following him on Instagram, So it will be the nice move to advertsie their product with him to engage wide range of audience for their product.

7. UGC (User Generated Content)

UGC (User Generated Content)

Imagine the possibility of effortlessly generating outstanding content for your Instagram feed. This is achievable through user-generated content, tapping into your already interested audience to create valuable content for you, whether your followers number in the hundreds or thousands. Due to its authenticity and unpredictability, user-generated content is likely to be even more appreciated by your followers than your own.

User Generated Content is more powerful because it was uploaded by their own customer who brought their products , For example neemansofficial shoe brand posted the story of the customer who puts story on his account and mentioned @neemansofficials about their product.

8. Create a Hashtags

Create a Hashtags

Customers can utilize the tag to post user-generated content, enabling them to explore all posts referencing your brand. This feature also simplifies the process of discovering images you may want to consider for sharing on your own page. Creating a hashtag that both customers and other users can employ amounts to virtually cost-free advertising for your business. Each time someone incorporates the hashtag in a photo post, they introduce your business to their followers.

9. Best Time to Post on Instagram

Best Time to Post on Instagram

Excessive sharing on Instagram is bound to repel your existing followers, prompting them to unfollow you swiftly if all they see in their feed is content related to your brand. However, maintaining a regular posting schedule is essential if you want to stay visible in their feeds. A top-notch strategy to achieve this is to post during the peak days and hours when your followers are active.

According to Storefries, the best days for Instagram posting are typically Saturdays and Sundays, while Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evenings are less favorable. They determined that, in terms of your time zone, the optimal posting hours fall between 5 AM and 6 AM. These times align with people preparing for their day or commuting to work, making it a prime time to check social media.

The second most popular time to post is around 12:00 AM or a bit later, as this is when many individuals tend to scroll through Instagram when they should be asleep. It's important to note that your ideal days and posting times may vary slightly depending on your target demographic, and Instagram Insights can help you pinpoint when your followers are most active.

With the help of a service like Storefries, you can schedule your posts to go live throughout certain days and hours.

Furthermore, based on the research findings, it is recommended not to exceed two daily posts.

If you feel the urge to share more content, consider utilizing Instagram's carousel album feature to present multiple photos or advertisements in a slideshow format. This approach ensures that you do not overwhelm your followers' feeds.

Be sure to monitor your statistics after implementing these changes to identify opportunities for improving your Instagram marketing strategies.

10. Monitor Instagram Metrics

Without an understanding of your page and post performance, you won't be able to optimize your Instagram performance or identify underperforming areas.

Measurable results are essential for pinpointing successful strategies and areas in need of improvement.

Begin by closely monitoring the pace of your follower growth. While many regard the total number of followers as a vanity metric, the rate of follower growth holds real significance.

By tracking your follower growth rate, you can discern the impact of the content you share and your posting frequency on your Instagram performance.

Engagement results = Like + comments / Total Number of followers

Next calculate number of people clicking through your URL

Conversion XL estimates 0.94% is average CTR on Instagram.


Promoting your business on Instagram can be a powerful strategy to boost your brand's visibility and engage with potential customers. By implementing the guidance and techniques provided in this blog, including the creation of high-quality content, the effective use of Instagram's shopping features, collaboration with influencers, and diligent monitoring of your analytics, you can establish a robust presence for your shoe store on Instagram.

It's important to keep in mind that Instagram is a dynamic platform that undergoes constant evolution. Staying abreast of the latest trends and algorithm changes is essential for sustained success. Cultivating a loyal Instagram community and consistently delivering valuable, visually appealing content will be instrumental in helping your shoe store thrive in the competitive landscape of social media marketing.

By putting these strategies into practice and remaining committed to your Instagram marketing efforts, you can drive increased traffic to your shoe store, boost sales, and nurture a dedicated customer base. So, lace up your marketing shoes and confidently step into the realm of Instagram promotion; your shoe store's path to success eagerly awaits