
Generate and deliver reports on daily basis:

Replace manual report creation with automated processes to regularly generate and deliver reports, whether on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, to facilitate timely decision-making.

Automate your reporting process to save time and streamline your workflow. Our automated system generates detailed reports effortlessly, ensuring you have the latest data at your fingertips. Whether you need reports daily, weekly, or monthly, our solution ensures timely access to critical insights for effective decision-making.


Find out the KPIs and Relavant metrics:

The detailed information goes deeper than basic data and provides a close-up look at engagement, audience details, reach, and other factors, allowing decisions based on data.

Unlock the power of social media analytics by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and relevant metrics. Gain insight into your audience engagement, reach, conversion rates, and more to track the success of your social media campaigns.

With our comprehensive analytics tool, you’ll have access to the data you need to make informed decisions and drive meaningful results for your brand.


Find content that performs well and recreate its success:

Analyze data from each page or post to find the best-performing content and make changes as needed to create a strong content plan.

See what works best on your social media content by identifying what performs best. Our analytics tools allow you to pinpoint top-performing posts, giving you valuable insights into what resonates most with your audience.

By getting a detailed report, you can create successful content strategies, optimize your approach, and consistently drive engagement and results across your social media channels.


Review all your efforts collectively with induvidual reports:

Get detailed PDF reports that shows the insights from all your social media channels induvidually with relevant performance metrics to understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Gain a clear understanding of your social media performance by reviewing all your efforts with individual reports. Our analytics tools provide detailed insights into each aspect of your social media strategy, from audience engagement to campaign effectiveness.

By analyzing individual reports, you can identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement, allowing you to refine your approach and drive better results across all your social media channels.


Strengthen long-term strategy by utilizing personalized filters:

Conduct personalized analysis, monitor performance trends, compare historical data, and evaluate goal attainment to enhance social media management effectiveness.

Boost your long-term social media strategy with personalized filters. Our analytics tools allow you to tailor your data analysis to focus on specific metrics, audience segments, or time periods.

By refining your insights with personalized filters, you can identify valuable trends, track progress towards your goals, and make informed decisions to strengthen your social media strategy over time.


Generate white-label reports to boost credibility:

Deliver reports to clients featuring your unique branding, strengthening your brand identity and providing a professional presentation.

Increase your brand's credibility with our white-label reporting feature. Our analytics tools enable you to generate professional-looking reports that can be customized with your own branding.

By presenting data in a polished, branded format, you can enhance your credibility and demonstrate the value of your social media efforts to clients, stakeholders, or internal teams.

Start your free 2 week trial today

Start working with Storefries that can provide everything you need to engage, discover, plan & connect.